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Volkstheater Vienna

Volkstheater Vienna



PHX07521 print©Martin Phox


Number of Machinery


Number of Venues


Year of Completion


Duration of Project (in Months)

Facts and Figures

The installation of the stage technology took just 5 months, with more than 50 hoists being installed in the upper machinery. In addition, there are 2 trap elevators in the theater and a transport elevator for the stage equipment.

Type of venue

PHX07972 print©Martin Phox

The Wiener Volkstheater was built in 1889 and is one of the largest theaters in the German-speaking world with the third largest speaking stage.

The architecture of the theater and its cultural offerings were originally designed to make popular plays as well as classical and modern dramas accessible to a wide audience. This was in contrast to the usual court theaters of the time.

The building was constructed in the historicist style and initially had 1901 seats, of which 832 still remain today. During the Second World War, parts of the theater, including the characteristic dome, were destroyed in 1944. A comprehensive general refurbishment then took place in 1980/81, which was closely based on the original plans. The stage technology was supplied and installed by Waagner-Biro Stage Systems.

At the end of the 2018/19 season, preparations began for another extensive refurbishment of the interior and exterior. Waagner-Biro Stage Systems was also responsible for the entire stage technology for this project, including the C⋅A⋅T V5 control system.

Construction work began in May 2020 and was completed in October of the same year. The installation of the stage technology took just 5 months, with more than 50 hoists being installed in the upper machinery. In addition, there are 2 trap elevators in the theater and a transport elevator for the stage equipment.

Following the successful handover, the Volkstheater became the third venue in Vienna - alongside the Burgtheater and the Austria Center Vienna - to be equipped with the latest generation of the control system, the C⋅A⋅T V5.