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Malmö Opera

Malmö Opera



Bild aussen©Waagner-Biro Stage Systems


Number of Machinery


Number of Venues


Year of Completion


Duration of Project (in Months)

Facts and Figures

The renovation consisted of approx. 100 winches within the upper stage machinery, 10 axes (orchestra platforms, revolving stages) within the lower stage machinery.

Type of venue

2019 08 13 08 48 51©Waagner-Biro Stage Systems

The opera house is one of the largest auditoriums in Scandinavia.

The opere is equipped with 1,508 seats, which were set up in the form of a closed amphitheater to allow the greatest possible viewing opportunity. It is used for opera, operetta and music performances.

Waagner Biro Stage Systems supplied all parts of the control system and software such as all consoles of the C⋅A⋅T V5 control system, all sockets for these consoles, remote maintenance access, etc. Our partner company TTS was responsible for all the advertised adaptations and partial renewals of the existing stage equipment.

The renovation consisted of approx. 100 winches within the upper stage machinery, 10 axes (orchestra platforms, revolving stages) within the lower stage machinery.

The handover to the house took place in August 2019.

2019 08 13 08 48 39©Waagner-Biro Stage Systems
2019 08 13 08 49 21©Waagner-Biro Stage Systems