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Joan Sutherland Theatre

Sydney Opera House

Joan Sutherland Theatre



Sydney Opera House Sydney Opera House Trust used under licence Large©Sydney Opera House Trust_used under licence


Number of Machinery


Number of Venues

2017 & 1972

Year of Completion


Duration of Project (in Months)

Facts and Figures

Over 100 hoists were installed in the upper machinery to move the scenery almost silently and create an acoustically isolated environment. Two backstage platforms connect the stage dock with the stage 10 metres above. These two platforms are the new centrepiece of the JST and facilitate the transport of materials and scenery.

Type of venue

JST Works 17 11 17 006 Large©Evolving Picture

Sydney would be unthinkable without its iconic Opera House.

Since its construction in 1973, this architectural masterpiece has shaped the city's skyline and is inextricably linked to its identity. Designed by the renowned Danish architect Jorn Utzon, it is a symbol of creativity and innovation.

But beyond the external splendor, an impressive technical achievement is hidden behind the scenes. In 1972, Waagner-Biro Stage Systems equipped the opera house with a revolving stage and stage platforms. More than 40 years later, the Joan Sutherland Theater (JST) needed modernization. In a remarkably short period of just seven months, Waagner-Biro Stage Systems set new standards in stage technology.
Over 100 hoists were installed in the upper machinery to move the scenery almost silently and create an acoustically isolated environment. Two backstage platforms connect the stage dock with the stage 10 meters above. These two platforms are the new centrepiece of the JST and facilitate the transport of materials, backdrops, etc.

The reopening of the opera house on New Year's Eve 2017 marked the start of a new year and a successful modernization of the stage technology that will secure the opera house's future.