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Giant Amber Hall

Giant Amber Hall



001385920021 g1a Large©Giencke & Company


Number of Machinery


Number of Venues


Year of Completion


Duration of Project (in Months)

Facts and Figures

The upper machinery of the Giant Amber comprises 16 chain hoists and 2 winches for precise movement of the stage elements. There are also height-adjustable acoustic sails (160 m², 20 tonnes) as well as an orchestra podium (55 m²) and a transport podium (6 m²), which optimise the stage logistics. The lower machinery offers flexible utilisation options with a stage podium system of 102 m². A Venue Transformer with strip platforms and a movable floor (180 m²) allows for a versatile design of the auditorium.

Type of venue

IMG 4650 Lielais Dzintars c MERKS Ltd Large©MERKS Ltd

The Giant Amber Concert Hall stands proudly in the Liepaja cityscape and embodies the vision of "Incredible acoustics and multifunctionality".

Since October 4, 2013, when the official foundation stone for the project was laid, this modern, amber-colored building has been attracting attention.

With its concert hall, an auditorium for chamber music and numerous rehearsal and ancillary rooms, the Giant Amber is a true jewel of stage technology. The concert hall, with a capacity of 1,200 seats, promises an acoustic experience that is second to none.

The upper machinery of the Giant Amber comprises 16 chain hoists and 2 winches, which precisely control the movements of the stage elements , as well as the height-adjustable acoustic sails with a total surface area of 160 m² and a dead weight of approx. 20 tons. The orchestra podium with an area of 55 square meters supports the musical performance. In addition, a transport podium of 6 square meters enables efficient logistics on stage.

The lower machinery offers a flexible platform for artists and performances with a stage podium system covering a total of 102 square meters. Twelve of these podiums ensure versatile use of the space, whether for music performances, plays or other events.

In addition, the Giant Amber Hall is equipped with a Venue Transformer, consisting of strip podiums and the chair system integrated into the podiums, as well as a height-adjustable and movable floor with an astonishing surface area of approx. 180 m² . This makes it possible to design the auditorium in a variety of ways

The entire stage system is coordinated by the C⋅A⋅T control system, which enables seamless integration of all components.